Monday, February 20, 2012

Sasquatch Music Series : Allen Stone

Hello again fellow future Sasquatch attendees. Najamoniq here with a second installment of the Sasquatch Music Series. Before I go into this weeks pick I would like to reveal two little somethings I've observed about this years festivities: first, Seattle represent - so many artists are local. I'm excited to get into great music that is also local. Second, get ready to DANCE; this year is filled with funk, hip hop, DJ and soul music.

Speaking of soul music......Ladies and Gentlemen, ALLEN STONE. If you love jazzy soul that reminds you of long summer drives, lemonade, day drinking, yellow sundresses, picnics, and taking to the dance floor where you will try your hardest to GET IT? Then Allen Stone is your man.
A Washington native, he is the son of a preacher man. Stone grew up in the church, and when he met Motown he fell in love.
I was bowled over when I heard and saw this "Perfect Pitch Powerhouse," as one USA Today reporter referred to him. This cat is really singing about your life on these tracks. He speaks about life and finding your "Satisfaction;" he speaks on settling on who you are and not looking for that "Contact High." He speaks on letting go of hate, anger, and not standing so close to the misery that it effects you because you have "Nothing to Prove."
There's not much to say folks; this is just some damn good soul music! Word is that Stone will hit the Sasquatch stage (not sure which one just yet) at 5:00pm. Enjoy my favorite track/video below by Allen Stone, "Satisfaction"


There is nothing in the world so much like prayer as music is. ~William P. Merrill

1 comment:

  1. You need to see him live. not only him but the band too! i'll be seeing him for the 3rd time in a couple weeks. Allen Stone music inspired me a lot .whatever reason.
