Monday, June 25, 2012

New Music Mondays: Niki and The Dove

Happy Monday my lovely music lovers. My favorite time of year is upon us - SUMMER. I'm feeling carefree, sexy, and hopeful, and I always say "as emotion is music has inspired."

This week's music pick inspires all these feelings, and more. Sweden based electro pop duo, Niki and The Dove formed in 2010. This powerful duo is made up of Malin Dahlstrom (vocals) and Gustaf Karlof (keyboards.) Words cannot truly explain the energy, epicness, and spectacular dazzle of this band.

All I can say to you my eager reader is to play all the below videos, clear a spot on the floor in your living room, and get ready. This is a short one, I know, but some music cannot be explained in words, only in moves.

I know you will enjoy my favorite tracks by this band, "The Drummer" and "DJ Ease My Mind". Enjoy your Monday, and I will see you next week with my new music obsession.

xoxoxoxo Najamoniq
"There is nothing in the world so much like prayer as music is." ~William P. Merrill

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