Monday, October 1, 2012

New Music Mondays..... Make The Girl Dance

Happy Monday Music Lovers,
This week's pick for my music obsession is Make The Girl Dance.

Make The Girl Dance consists of Greg Kozo, musician/producer, Pierre Mathieu, former TV presenter on M6, France 2, and Canal +. Their first single, Baby Baby Baby, released May 12, 2009, is a huge buzz one.

The electro-rock duo Make The Girl Dance created a buzz in Paris by unveiling a very special clip of a model strutting the streets with some black out screens. The duo continued in June 2010 with the title Kill me Kill me, and in October with Wall Of Death. October 31, 2011 saw the release of their first album "Everything Is Gonna Be Ok In The End" and their 4th single "Broken Toy Boy."

The 2012 tour will pass by the USA, South Korea, Japan, Australia, Europe and parts of South America. Lets hope they grace Seattle with a show or two.

This band is for you if you love pumping beats and thumping dance tracks. They are fun, innovative, and so very energetic. So put on those dancing shoes and get ready to move. Check out my two favorite tracks from this band.

I will see you next week for my new music obsession!
xoxoxox Najamoniq "Music is the soul of language." - Max Heindel

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