Tuesday, October 16, 2012

New Music Mondays.......GHOST BEACH

Happy Music Monday Music Lovers,
Life has been busy these days, the seasons change and we make plans for the holidays and even for the future. Life can go so fast, and be so unsure, but one thing that always keeps me steadfast is good music. There is so much I will show you in the next few months.

I've been very inspired and enamored with the music I'm finding. This weeks gem is GHOST BEACH. a retro-future aesthetic that sounds like Ghostland Observatory, Depeche Mode, and Daft Punk, with a little Passion Pit sprinkled on top for good measure. Ghost Beach are the latest pop pioneers to set the internet on fire with only a couple singles floating around and with no major label backing.

The New York-based duo of Josh Ocean and Eric "Doc" Mendelsohn take their '80s influences one step further with Ghost Beach. This music is so seductive and emotion filled, you will feel like you are taking a journey through your teenage, angst ridden, love filled years in an old Chevy with the wind in your hair and no cares in your heart. GHOST BEACH is romance, passion and rebellion put into music.

Take some time to get lost in this band; its so easy and so needed. FYI, if you go to the bands Facebook page you can download two of their tracks. Get ready to reminisce and daydream maybe even dance, and I know you will enjoy my three favorite tracks by this amazing duo: "Tear Us Apart," "Bones," and "Too Young."

I will see you next week with my new music obsession.

xoxoxoxox Najamoniq
“I want people to have their own visions for the dance. Some generations will sit back and relate to the music. And the young people …they'll have the dance right in front of them.” Judith Jamison

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