Thursday, January 9, 2014

young boss in training

Hello out there, This is Alexis. I am one of the four new interns here at Embellish. and how excited am I to be working here with these lovely ladies1!!?, in this beautiful salon. I am seventeen (almost 18) in the graduating class of 2014!I am currently going to Sota the school of arts, and I intend on going to the fashion institute of design and merchandising San Francisco California this coming Fall. Today was a wonderful first whole day of at the salon, I can't wait to be here tomorrow lots more to learn. Good night beautiful people stay flawless:)

Hey Everyone! Sierra Here!

Sierra here at Embellish! I'm one of four interns coming from SOTA (look it up, it's a pretty rad school!) to work for a semester here at the salon! SO far it has been a beautiful experience, literally. Everyone is so sweet, and although there is a lot of information to retain at once, the kind, encouraging words of the staff has made it so much easier to get into the swing of things! Today marks my second day here, and I am loving it. This is going to be a great next couple of months.