Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Davines' tasty metaphoric genious

The colorful plate to the top right
is deconstructed Manhattan Clam Chowder.

Below that is an amazing melange of roasted vegetables partnered with rich bitter chocolate making the beets and cauliflower the sweeter items of the combo.
Not to mention the butternut squash ravioli with ginger walnut pure'

I failed to get a photo, but we finished the night off with rose ginger sorbet.

All this decadence was a metaphoric introduction to Davines' new color line "Finest Pigments" through food.
Yes I am serious. Davines does not fool around when they want to drive a point home.
Finest Pigments is the newest offering to Color Space. It is a 98% Natural Direct Color option.
This means no damage to the hair, no commitment from the client, and lots of options for the artist.

Ciesta Plant
Indian Walnut
Rice Bran
Rose Oil
I can't tell you how inspiring it is to eat an amazing meal with other creative stylists, being prepared by a chef who looks at food as an art form much like we do hair. The stories he told about the relationships that get created and nurtured in both of our fields made me so proud to be a hairdresser. I am truly blessed to have the opportunity to do what I love and share it with others.
 Next visit, ask your daymaker about Finest Pigments and our Davines dining experience.

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