Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Shopgirl Tacoma

Gathered in the shopping space of Vanity Fashion
Boutique on 6th Ave, the ladies of Shopgirl Tacoma spent their evening inspiring each other and sharing ideas. Spun from the ideas of Sonja Silver of Sonja's Clothes to Live In, this fantastic group of female brick and mortar business owners have banned together to connect, share, refer businesses to each other, have fun doing it and to do good things in the community together. With this many amazing business women in one room, they were not short of ideas on marketing, business growth and just simply having a good time. Sonja has utilized the wonders of Facebook to keep everyone informed of future meetings and has kept it exclusive as to not dilute the group's purpose. The Shopgirl Facebook has also become a place for all of the women in the group to keep in touch with each other between meetings and a place for all members to keep up with open discussions and continued topics from the meeting.

The next meeting will be held on March 3rd at Nurture Healing Center at 9am. We hope to see you there!!

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