Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Many Faces of Jessica Alexander

Last night, Trish and Susan had the pleasure of seeing Jessica Alexander present at Tacoma's most recent installment of Pecha Kucha, an open mic forum for designers and artists to meet, network and show their work in public. The premise behind this presentation format is a simple idea: 20 slides x 20seconds. Though it may seem like a short period of time, this keeps the presenter concise and keeps the momentum of the presentation going allowing the audience to grasp the meat of the concept. She showcased her passion for both jewelry making and real estate focusing on her love for exotic stones and her dedication to being an EcoBroker. She is the personification of the word "multitasker" in that she has her feet both aspects of her businesses as well being an active member of the Tacoma community which includes but is by no means limited to being a member of Tacoma's Go Local. She is the prime example of being forthright in your decision to not give up one passion for another. What an amazing and talented Tacoman!!

1 comment:

  1. I coveted one of Jessica's bracelets, obsessing until it became mine. I now have several pieces, all incredible and timeless. She did a great job at Pecha Kucha sharing her passions for art, business and sustainability!
