Friday, December 10, 2010

Get Skinny for Free!!!

We always like to say we'll wait until after the Holidays to get in shape. Well, this year you don't have to wait and you can lend a helping hand by sweating the poundage away!! Jeff Jowers of Jowers Training Systems is offering a great deal!! Come to any Boot Camp class that he offers, bring a toy for donation and train that day for free. These toys will go directly to a child of need this holiday season. Also, if you sign up for any program between now and Christmas, Jeff will donate 15% of all new memberships to buy new toys for kids. Transform you body and life and help make bring a smile to a child in need!!! Trish and Susan have both gotten a head start on the holiday weight loss and have been feelin' the burn!! Join us!! It hurts so good!!!!


Click here to take advantage of our Living Social deal that just launched today!! Recieve $125 worth of service for just $60, 10% off product purchases the day of use and a free Smooth and Juicey concoction!!

Don't forget!!

Men's MVP Memberships are on sale through the end of this month and 253 Tuesdays are in full affect!! Keep your eyes pealed for 253 deals!!

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